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Maiden call di World Traveller nel porto di Ancona

Maiden call di World Traveller nel porto di Ancona

Venerdì 7 giugno ha fatto scalo per la prima volta nel porto di Ancona la nave da crociera World Traveller, in viaggio anche verso l’Artico, i Fiordi norvegesi e l’Antartide, inserita come destinazione nel Mar Mediterraneo dalla compagnia di crociere Atlas Ocean Voyages.

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Maiden call of the World Traveller in the port of Ancona

On Friday 7th June, the World Traveller cruise ship, also traveling to the Arctic, the Norwegian Fjords, and Antarctica, called for the first time at the port of Ancona, included as a destination in the Mediterranean Sea by the cruise company Atlas Ocean Voyages.

The Captain Tsylke Vitaliy, the Captain Fabio Di Cecco of Ancona Harbour Master, and the Technical Director of the Central Adriatic Ports Authority, Gianluca Pellegrini participated in the Maiden Call ceremony to welcome the World Traveller, in the presence of the shipping agent Alessandro Archibugi.

The luxury cruise ship hosts 330 people, including 200 passengers and 130 crew members. The next call in the port of Ancona will be on June 18th.

Welcome to the World Traveller and all the cruise passengers!