Più 27% di scali e più 10% di passeggeri nel primo semestre del 2024 per il Terminal Crociere di Porto

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Più 27% di scali e più 10% di passeggeri nel primo semestre del 2024 per il Terminal Crociere di Porto

Il 2024 è sulla buona strada per diventare l’anno migliore per le crociere al Terminal Crociere di Porto che ha registrato 71 scali di navi da crociera e 73.341 passeggeri durante il primo semestre del 2024, il che significa un aumento del 27% degli scali di crociera e un aumento del 10% del numero di passeggeri rispetto allo stesso periodo dell’anno scorso.

#medcruise #portocruiseterminal

Cruise activity at Porto Cruise Terminal increased 27% in calls and 10% in passengers in the first semester of 2024

2024 on track to become the best year for cruises at the Porto Cruise Terminal.

The Porto Cruise Terminal has recorded 71 cruise ship calls and 73.341 cruise
passengers during the first semester of 2024, which means a 27% increase in cruise
calls and a 10% increase in the number of cruise passengers over the same period of
last year.

The first half of the year was also marked by 7 cruise ships inaugural calls out of 19
planned, until the end of 2024.

Due to seasonality, the highest concentration of cruise activity was recorded in April
and May. Just in these 2 months the port welcomed 45 vessels that brought nearly
46.000 passengers to the region.

Most of the passengers visiting Porto Cruise Terminal and the Porto & the North of
Portugal Region were from the United Kingdom (36%), followed by Germany (29%) and
from the USA (23%).

The size of the ships has also been increasing significantly over the past few years.
Vessels GT grew by 9% in the first half of 2024 compared with the same period of

If the forecasts hold, Porto Cruise Terminal could once again reach record numbers by
the end of the year. 162 cruise ship calls are already planned to visit the port and
cruise passengers’ numbers are expected to rise above 150.000.

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